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Hybrid Experimental Designs for Intervention Development: What, Why, and How

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Adaptive School-based Implementation of CBT (ASIC): clustered-SMART for building an optimized adaptive implementation intervention…

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The selection of comparators for randomized controlled trials of health-related behavioral interventions: recommendations of an NIH expert panel

J Clin Epidemiol
Freedland KE, King AC, Ambrosius WT, Mayo-Wilson E, Mohr DC, Czajkowski SM, Thabane L, Collins LM, Rebok GW, Treweek SP, Cook TD, Edinger JD, Stoney CM, Campo RA, Young-Hyman D, Riley WT; National Institutes of Health Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research Expert Panel on Comparator Selection in Behavioral and Social Science Clinical Trials.

Center of excellence for mobile sensor data-to-knowledge (MD2K)

J Am Med Inform Assoc
Kumar S, Abowd GD, Abraham WT, al'Absi M, Beck JG, Chau DH, Condie T, Conroy DE, Ertin E, Estrin D, Ganesan D, Lam C, Marlin B, Marsh CB, Murphy SA, Nahum-Shani I, Patrick K, Rehg JM, Sharmin M, Shetty V, Sim I, Spring B, Srivastava M, Wetter DW.

Center of excellence for mobile sensor data-to-knowledge (MD2K)

J Am Med Inform Assoc
Kumar S, Abowd GD, Abraham WT, al'Absi M, Beck JG, Chau DH, Condie T, Conroy DE, Ertin E, Estrin D, Ganesan D, Lam C, Marlin B, Marsh CB, Murphy SA, Nahum-Shani I, Patrick K, Rehg JM, Sharmin M, Shetty V, Sim I, Spring B, Srivastava M, Wetter DW.


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The selection of comparators for randomized controlled trials of health-related behavioral interventions: recommendations of an NIH expert panel

J Clin Epidemiol
Freedland KE, King AC, Ambrosius WT, Mayo-Wilson E, Mohr DC, Czajkowski SM, Thabane L, Collins LM, Rebok GW, Treweek SP, Cook TD, Edinger JD, Stoney CM, Campo RA, Young-Hyman D, Riley WT; National Institutes of Health Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research Expert Panel on Comparator Selection in Behavioral and Social Science Clinical Trials.

Center of excellence for mobile sensor data-to-knowledge (MD2K)

J Am Med Inform Assoc
Kumar S, Abowd GD, Abraham WT, al'Absi M, Beck JG, Chau DH, Condie T, Conroy DE, Ertin E, Estrin D, Ganesan D, Lam C, Marlin B, Marsh CB, Murphy SA, Nahum-Shani I, Patrick K, Rehg JM, Sharmin M, Shetty V, Sim I, Spring B, Srivastava M, Wetter DW.

Center of excellence for mobile sensor data-to-knowledge (MD2K)

J Am Med Inform Assoc
Kumar S, Abowd GD, Abraham WT, al'Absi M, Beck JG, Chau DH, Condie T, Conroy DE, Ertin E, Estrin D, Ganesan D, Lam C, Marlin B, Marsh CB, Murphy SA, Nahum-Shani I, Patrick K, Rehg JM, Sharmin M, Shetty V, Sim I, Spring B, Srivastava M, Wetter DW.

Portions of this website and the related scientific research were funded by National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) awards P50 DA039838 and P50 DA010075 to The Methodology Center at Penn State, Institute for Educational Sciences award R324B180003 and NIDA award R01 DA039901 to the University of Michigan.

October 11, 2024, 3:00 p.m.

Heather Leach

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