About this sample code

This example code calculates power for the Primary Aim and Secondary Aim of a trial similar in design to the Mobile-Assistance for Regulating Smoking (MARS) Micro-Randomized Trial. It is a supplement to the manuscript titled “The Mobile-Assistance for Regulating Smoking (MARS) Micro-Randomized Trial Design Protocol” (Nahum-Shani et al., 2021). The included documentation describes the sample size and statistical power considerations in the design of the MARS MRT.

How can a behavioral scientist use this code?

Behavioral intervention scientists can use this code as a starting point to calculate the sample size for, and to analyze the data from MRTs that are similar to MARS.

Note: the material on this page does not include data from the MARS study.

Related References

1. Nahum-Shani, I., Potter, L. N., Lam, C. Y., Yap, J., Moreno, A., Stoffel, R., … & Wetter, D. W. (2021). The mobile assistance for regulating smoking (MARS) micro-randomized trial design protocol. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 110, 106513. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cct.2021.106513

This reference contains the study protocol which was pre-specified prior to the curation and analysis of data from the MRT.

2. Yap, Jamie. (2021). Power Calculation for the Mobile-Assistance for Regulating Smoking Micro-Randomized Trial (v1.0.1). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/ZENODO.4962458

This is the citation for the example code on this page.

Related News

1. Update on 2022-08-05: Data collection for this MRT is not yet complete and is currently underway.

2. Update on 2020-05-06: The study was registered in clinicaltrials.gov

Record on classic clinicaltrials.gov site: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04376489?term=mobile+assistance+for+regulating+smoking&draw=2&rank=1

Record on new (beta version) clinicaltrials.gov site: https://beta.clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT04376489?patient=mobile%20assistance%20for%20regulating%20smoking&locStr=&distance=0

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