About this code

The code simulates and analyzes data from a hypothetical Hybrid Experimental Design, a novel trial design that combines features from (Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trials) SMARTs and (Micro-Randomized Trials) MRTs. This example code was developed in association with the manuscript “Hybrid Experimental Designs for Intervention Development: What, Why and How” by Nahum-Shani et al (2022).

What method does this code implement?

The code implements a weighted and replicated analysis of a particular kind of hybrid study involving SMART and MRT components together.

Related References

1. Nahum-Shani, I., Dziak, J. J., Walton, M. A., & Dempsey, W. (2022). Hybrid Experimental Designs for Intervention Development: What, Why, and How. Advances in methods and practices in psychological science, 5(3), 10.1177/25152459221114279.

This reference provides a conceptual description and motivation of Hybrid Experimental Designs (HEDs).

Related News

1. Update on 2022-08-05: (abstract accepted) International Society for Research on Internet Interventions (ISRII) (2022, September 18-21). [Conference Presentation]. 11th Scientific Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

October 11, 2024, 3:00 p.m.

Heather Leach

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