Introducing JustIn

JustIn is an open-source platform that will allow researchers to design, conduct, and analyze data from digital health studies for optimizing just-in-time adaptive interventions.

Emerging technologies have the potential to revolutionize healthcare, but research on digital interventions lags behind.

Long development times and limited resources for digital health studies slow science down.

A new, radically open research platform—made for researchers, by researchers.

JustIn is intended to reduce the time, effort, and funds needed to conduct digital health studies, accelerating the development of effective and resource-efficient digital interventions.

Case Studies

Real-world intervention research will fuel the development of JustIn. With support from NIH, we have already funded digital health studies to kick-start the development process.

Cannabis Use Reduction

Dr. Lara N. Coughlin is piloting an innovative mobile health (mHealth) intervention called “MiWaves” to assist emerging adults in monitoring and reducing their cannabis use.

Learn more.

Medication Adherence

Dr. Sung Won Choi is developing a first-of-its kind just-in-time adaptive intervention (JITAI) that will target medication adherence in young patients and their family caregivers.

Learn more.

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